How to release some neck tension?

Here is a simple exercise to release some neck tension that you can use anywhere at anytime.

How can osteopathy help you regain your body and mind balance ?

Our bodies undergo various changes and traumas throughout our lifetime, forcing it to continually adapt to new stresses. Life circumstances constantly challenge our state of well-being both mentally and physically, which causes us to be out of balance at times. The vast majority of people carry an accumulation of the effects of different traumatic events that have happened in the course of our lives-and it is in these areas that Rodiera Osteopathy – Victoria can help.

Rodiera Osteopathy Victoria

Rodiera Osteopathy Victoria is a holistic health care service combining gentle osteopathic hands-on technique and thetahealing (core belief training) and energy healing, to evaluate and understand your current state of health. The treatment focuses on the root cause of your pain and/or imbalance, which allows for recovery at all levels and enables the individual to reach their full potential.

  • When the Art of a gentle healing touch gets to the Core